62 notes tagged with "tabs"

Tabs for April 1st 2023

The Bicycle Substack crowdsourcing a funding round The Wood Whisperer . Came across this while searching for the best way to house my garden…

Tagged with: #tabs

Published on a year ago

Tabs for April 21st 2023

Phoenix Park strategy . Consultation process for one of Dublin's most incredible resources. Which has been ruined by cars. Zoom call from…

Tagged with: #tabs

Published on a year ago

Tabs for April 14th 2023

2 teens found a new proof for Pythagorus theorem . This brings me back to school, in a kind-of good way (as someone who was not good a math…

Tagged with: #tabs

Published on a year ago

Tabs for August 11th 2023

Converting a cargo bike to en e-cargo-bike Scott Galloway talk . I love him. Sup. . Federated, encrypted instant messenger a-la WhatsApp…

Tagged with: #tabs

Published on a year ago

Tabs for April 28th 2023

SpaceX spreads particulate for miles . Launch wasn't successful but a significant part of the data gathering has been how to do a launch…

Tagged with: #tabs

Published on a year ago

Tabs for April 8th 2023

Tesla workers access & share car cam footage . A gross, gross invasion of privacy. ...but it's not just a Tesla problem ChatGPT is leaky…

Tagged with: #tabs

Published on a year ago

Tabs for August 18th 2023

No Boilerplate explains Obsidian; my text thingy of choice Car hacking village @ DEFCON31 . I love the content that comes with each annual…

Tagged with: #tabs

Published on a year ago

Tabs for August 4th 2023

An intro to APIs Feynman's lectures from the 60s You are Atlas Legal lullabies . Zzzuckerberg yourself to sleep. Gorgeous Toot on Sinead O…

Tagged with: #tabs

Published on a year ago

Tabs for February 5th 2023

SBF is not a child . Molly White addresses the very odd media treatment of SBF. Compare & contrast to Bernie Madoff. Wonders of Street View…

Tagged with: #tabs

Published on a year ago

Tabs for Jan 13th 2023

MKBHD does a deep dive ("closer look") at phone cameras. I am thinking about this a lot as I make a more deliberate effort to use my Fuji X…

Tagged with: #photography, #tabs, #tech, #internet

Published on 2 years ago

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