87 notes tagged with "notes"

Notes for May 26th 2024

Song of the week: Notes I note below that 37signals is defaulting to linux for it's work environment. Folks can use macOS or Windows, and…

Tagged with: #notes

Published on 4 months ago

Notes for Week 22, 2024

Song of the week: Notes Holy mother of god, how is it June already?! Work is calming down travel-wise. I've officially been at home for…

Tagged with: #notes

Published on 3 months ago

Notes for Week 23, 2024

Song of the week: Notes I'm writing this on Saturday morning, which means the tally is going on for the Local and European elections. I'm a…

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Published on 3 months ago

Notes for Week 24, 2024

Song of the week: Notes Apple held it's WWDC events this week. On Monday they had their big keynote event, which had the slick production…

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Published on 3 months ago

Notes for Week 25, 2024

Song of the week: Notes This was a mad week, as predicted last week. I was in Cannes during the Lions festival. Which is largely an…

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Published on 3 months ago

Notes for Week 26, 2024

Song of the week: Notes I note below a story about record labels suing AI companies , effectively for copyright infringement. I had a good…

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Published on 3 months ago

Notes for Week 28, 2024

Song of the week: Notes Intuit laid off over 1000 people last week, which is bad enough. But they then had the gaul to claim most of them…

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Published on 2 months ago

Notes for Week 27, 2024

Song of the week: Notes I think I say this every month but it's incredible that we're in summer, properly. July has come around out of…

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Published on 2 months ago

Notes for Week 29, 2024

Song of the week: Notes Well, I made the call. Next year I'll get a new car. And for the first time in my life, I'll do it with (part…

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Published on 2 months ago

Notes for Week 30, 2024

Song of the week: Notes I am very late writing this one up, as a result of 1) being busy, and 2) taking some downtime over the weekend…

Tagged with: #notes

Published on 2 months ago

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