Notes for Week 30, 2024

Song of the week:


  • I am very late writing this one up, as a result of 1) being busy, and 2) taking some downtime over the weekend, unusually for me.
  • The weekend involved a trip to Dunmore East, which is not unusual for me. But I went without the family. Instead, I went with two friends. We spent a bunch of time drinking, chatting, catching up and being 'in the moment,' something we can't do typically because of work, family, life, etc.
    • This is something that was important just for the sake of it itself. But also because one of the lads is about to have his second kid, so he'll be off the radar for a while. And honestly, most men make no effort to keep in touch with friends, or even family. I look at my dad, sometimes my brothers, and wonder why they lead the lives they do.
    • I also brought Marla, my dog. She's about 6 or 7 years old now, which puts her firmly in the upper end of middle age for a Labradoodle. But you'd swear she was 2 or something, given how hyper and excitable she is. I also reconnected a bit with her, which sounds ridiculous if you don't have pets. But she lost favour in the house when the kids came along. Having her solo helped reform a bit of that bond.
  • Speaking of fun life events, I noted last week that I was evaluating a "YOLO" purchase of a Porsche to replace my Tesla. I took the plunge and put in the order with a 10% deposit. So I'll be half broke through August. We're all going to die. If fun opportunities that are a bit silly but not dangerous arise, go for it.

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