Notes for Week 42, 2024
Song of the week:
Two things happened this week that are mildly significant. Worthy of note here but not really worthy per se.
The first is that I took 2 days off to go down to Cork & Kerry with my wife. She had a play she wrote being performed in Cork, and then her short film was being screened at Kerry International Film Festival (KIFF, for short). So very exciting for her. But also, her mother said she'd take the kids for 2 nights. So I took a bit of a breather. Didn't bring my phone or my laptop, and before setting off made sure my Monday morning was not jammed with surprise meetings.
The second is that I let one of my domains lapse. This is the first of a few that I'll allow to lapse so I can focus on one (ok, maybe two) little blog(s), and put the (minimal, albeit) effort into this, rather than spread across multiple places.
(via my flickr)
- Intercom 'believe'. This is so strange and feels defensive. But having every employees signature on the bottom feels like incredibly poor decision-making.
- If Trump wins, blame NYT
- Opening Winamp up was a poor idea. I shared that link a few weeks ago and boy, did that not go well.
- Analogue 3D available tomorrow
- 100 songs that define the current decade
- Google & Meta extend coal burning for AI. Fuck me.
- The long-term costs of layoffs