Notes for Week 37, 2024

Song of the week:


  • Zuck hit the news this week in a strange way (when isn't it...). But he has said that he's "done apologising," which is a fascinating thing to say for a man in charge of a platform used to perpetrate heinous crimes, up-to and including genocide. His company appears to want to hit scale at all costs, without taking responsibility for policing that. You can't build a city without policing, hospitals and fire trucks. And states are backing Social Media warning labels, while the EU figures out what they want to do.
  • OpenAI regularly says weird things, and the latest is that they apparently cannot succeed without stealing copyright material. Which predicates an insane amount of hubris linked to an ideology that they have to succeed and everyone wants them to succeed. No one is asking for their success, no one shares in their success (bar employees, investors, etc.) and I would argue most people have never knowingly used an AI system and if they have, they're jaded by it already.
    • I keep hearing nonsense from prolific LinkedIn lunatics about how AI is doing amazing things, and is going to do even more amazing things. And then when you dig in a little you realise what they're saying is that AI is going to flood the internet, social media, your inbox and websites with horseshit. And no acknowledgement that no one wants to consume that horseshit. If your lead generation depends on AI, you're going to generate no leads nor grow your business.
  • I found myself really getting into GT racing. Right now, as I type this, I'm watching the 24H Barcelona race in the background. Obviously I gravitate towards the Porsche's, but despite not really knowing the teams or drivers, there's some incredibly close and tactical racing, which is a lot of fun. And often better than the precession of F1, which is my absolute favourite sport. This stems from getting a lot of retargeting my way because I've ordered a Porsche but also from visiting Mondello Park a few times this year with the kids!
  • Next week will be a fun one. I have the opportunity to speak on behalf of $job at $old_jobs annual conference. And I will meet a lot of old friends, some new friends (no doubt), partners, customers and prospects. I'm really excited. I've also not been to Boston since pre-pandemic so it'll also be a bit of a buzz to hang out there.

