Notes for May 11th 2024

Song of the week:


  • This week's big tech scare was Apple getting social media assaulted over it's new advert for the new iPad. It's powered by a mega powerful M4 chip and despite that, it's the slimmest iPad ever. It looks genuinely stunning. I'd love one. But iPadOS is just not good enough for what I need so my M1 MacBook Pro will suffice for now. I would genuinely hand this Mac to my wife if the iPad wasn't constrained by a shitty OS.
    • But the controversy (listed below with media followup) surrounded not the device itself, but the marketing advert Apple released to celebrate it's new, thin bit of kit. In order to demonstrate how thin it is, they setup musical equipment, toys and media devices under an industrial press and squished them down. I get how you would come up with that concept. But I can't fathom how Apple, of all companies, decided that an alegory for the wanton destruction of creative tools was a good one to run with. Especially given Apple's history as an enthusiastic celebrant of all things creative. Most consumers don't seem to know this but Apple is a top dog in professional media creation; notably music production (Logic) and movie editing (less so these days, granted). And they were the stubborn "music should cost money" platform with iTunes when the tide was turning to Napster and similar.
    • TLDR; what is Joz and his team up to? Schiller is still active so how did he tick the box that says this is good, too?
  • Jack Dorsey did a pretty wide interview this week (linked below). He makes some fairly standard strange-for-him claims. Including the claim that he stood down from the Bluesky board because it was attempting to build moderation and 'social media' tools into it's platform. He wants to run an AWS-for-social media, in my mind. Not an actual platform for social media to operate. Which boggles the mind.
  • I was in NYC this week and while it was dominated by work, I managed to get up early on Tuesday to get over to DUMBO (yes, that bit where the bridge is) to photowalk back to my hotel. It was 6.30am and beautiful, bright and fresh out. By the time I got to the other side of the Manhattan bridge, it was being jammed by cyclists not using the cycle lane, optimistic runners (or people who just want to be seen as going for a run?) and an enormous amount of social media fake influencer types. And while I snapped some wonderful photos that I'm delighted with, I came home on Friday to find that evening gifting us a very strong aurora across the island of Ireland.

