Notes for January 26th 2024

Song of the week:

  • Next week I'm off to San Fran for our sales kickoff. Which represents the first proper in-person kickoff with such a wide variety of folks since pre-pandemic times. And weirdly, my first sales kickoff in the US (as $prev_job always held them regionally, and Dublin hosted EMEA). It'll be exciting to meet so many folks for the first time, or for the first time in ages. But having been in the US last week, I'm already feeling tired.
  • Speaking of travel, I'll be at Adobe summit in March, Cannes in June and plenty of UK or US trips dotted in-between. It's sort-of a miracle that I've maintained any sort of marriage at this point. But, years ago we vowed that the weekends are what count. And it's not like my wife isn't dotting around the place for her work (notably the other, more fun, Cannes, Berlinale, etc.).
    • I realise I also wax lyrical about climate change while traveling a lot by plane. If it were an option in my career to reduce the amount of flying I did, I would do it. And believe it or not, I do fight most travel costs on climate grounds, and win most fights. But these ones are unavoidable unfortunately.
  • January has been one of my least productive in terms of fitness. I'm not exactly fit and healthy, but the travel, weather and general post-2023 hangover has introduced a level of atrophiedness I don't think I've had for such a prolonged time. If the weather wasn't so bad I would be able to cycle to work, but here we are, using the bus; sitting all the time!
