Notes for January 13th 2024

Song of the week:

Late edition this week because it was so hectic, which I'll explain!

  • This week the highlight was, by far, the BT Young Scientist & Technologist Exhibition. $job is a marquee sponsor so, as Site Lead (I won't even begin to explain that), I had the privilege of being invited to a pre-launch briefing and to hand out 3 awards at the closing ceremony. Which was last night. Hence why I didn't post on my usual Friday schedule.
    • Worth noting that our briefing session was entirely about sustainability and climate, which was a hot topic for the exhibitors. Yet our lunch was a huge steak. Probably a good time to force a vegan meal on folks.
  • Casey Newton, among others, have decided to leave Substack over the lack of action around nazi platforming on the platform. It seems logical that if a company actively allows nazis on your platform, it's probably not a great one to be in. The old adage of allowing a nice, happy nazi into a bar that one time will quickly involve that friendly person, who happens to be a nazi, to bring his mate, and then his mate after that, etc. Suddenly you've got a nazi bar. Substack is at risk of this and it's because of an absolutely antiquated view of libertarianism. Allied troops did not get into Europe to debate nazis.
  • There is evidence that the nexus point for things in the world going into a weird downward spiral was David Bowie's death. I am willing to debate this.
  • Last year I was in Bangkok for a work event. This year I will be in NYC. The weather will be very different in both spots! As so much else is. I'm in a more senior position, much more established in the company and frankly, really happy. A bit stressed around the edges, but that's as much about a lack of balance with work/life, but that'll iron out over time.
