Notes for February 3rd 2024

Song of the week:

  • The biggest news in sport this past week was not Klopp leaving Liverpool. No, it's Hamilton joining my beloved Ferrari. He joins the finest F1 team to absolutely piss in it's own cornflakes over the last number of years. This is the first time in a long time that Ferrari haven't had a world champion in their roster, so Lewis is here to fix that. The car and platform is world class, but they can't squeeze the best out of it. Time for LeClerc to step up!
  • I mentioned a while ago that I've gotten myself back into regular photography thanks to the acquisition of a beloved Fuji X-T5. It's an astoundingly good camera. And I tend to lock myself creatively into a zone by having a single, fixed lens wherever I am. The last two US trips I've done, I had my 23mm f/2 lens. I've had it a number of years and I absolutely love it. It's not too wide, and not as invasive as a 50mm. But I've historically had a weird sense of not being that guy when with other folks. But a fantastic moment happened in San Mateo when we were heading for some dinner. 3 other people saw me grow some cajones and take some snaps. And they did the same with their cameras.
    • And despite all of this creative juice and fun community stuff happening thanks to my X-T5... I still want a Leica.

  • I was in San Fran this week. Mostly in the south end of the city, rather than the city itself. All for a work kickoff event. Which was great. Content was worthwhile, sessions were engaging but really, being in the room with 1300 colleagues was the main critical benefit of being there. It was so much fun to meet people I've only met through Zoom, etc. etc.