Notes for December 1st 2023

Song of the week:

  • This week saw Spotify Unwrapped unleash it's meme-tastic power on the internet. Those of us with Apple Music languished in our browser-accessed heap of junk by comparison. One big thing for me, which I didn't realise was a big number, was the over 80,000 hours of music listened to this year. Most of that is probably comprised of background music in the kitchen etc. I love music, so it's in the background as much as possible.

  • Winter has arrived. Cycling this week turned me into a white walker from Game of Thrones. And my bike's boost button stopped working temporarily today. Which was a big, slow shift for how I commute around the place!
  • This week various houses around me put their holiday season lights on. One specific neighbour stuck his Xmas lights on. Having not taken them down after last year. Undoubtedly declaring this as a victory.
  • The booker prize was announced this week, and it was an Irish author that won it. Which is an incredible achievement. I suppose we all have to go read ‘Prophet Song’ now. Or just pretend we read it, like we do with Ulysses.
  • Happy birthday to my brother. Who's younger than me, so inferior in every way. But also now, like me, becoming "of age."